Written by Kano Mayumi

How To Make a Kindergartener Read The Harry Potter Series



Hello there!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog.

Due to my husband’s job, my family and I have been moving back and forth between the US and Japan, every 3-4 years.
As a result, my children need to catch up with educational requirements in both countries. The most important subject is language arts, and the most important is always the most difficult.
To easily catch up when return to the country, it’s better for them to go a couple of years ahead of the grade.

Here I am going to share what I did to help them.

The most effective way to excel in language is making your kids book warms. To make you kids book warms, I strongly recommend bed time story, every single night possible.

Years earlier, I have been using my spare time to browse through books, movies, video sites like Amazon Prime, and TV shows for children in search for an enjoyable way for my kids to learn the two languages. One of the places I went to frequently was the public library, which I used at least 2 times a week. Finished books I returned, as well as the ones that were not to their taste. After that, I borrowed about 20-30 books that my kids might like, and added some audio books into the mix. The children listened to the audio books at night, as a bedtime story. For a while, this was a daily routine for me, and sometimes even went to bookstores to buy popular books that were unavailable at libraries.

When browsing through contents like this, I looked for works that have been converted into various formats like audio books, movies, and others(i.e. The Giver, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit). Out of those countless works, the Harry Potter series was a big hit in our family. Seeing this as an opportunity, I started a project that used the Harry Potter series. My 6-year-old got to finish reading the whole series through this project.

Today, I want to share our family’s “Harry Potter Project” with you.

Raising Bilingual Children
How To Make a Kindergartener Read The Harry Potter Series
“Harry Potter Project”

How it Started

Our family had a chance to visit “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter” at the Universal Studios in Orlando, when the boys barely knew about the story itself. We planned to visit a day after the end of our Disney Cruise of the Caribbean Sea, which also departed from Orlando. However, my husband had a case of fever, or possibly seasickness, which prevented us from visiting Universal Studios. Without any choice, we left for home with a promise to visit the next year.
(@Disney Cruise Cabin)

To get the most out of Harry Potter~Launching Harry Potter Project~

After I got home, I started browsing inside the “Wizarding World of Harry Potter” website of Universal Studios Orlando. Then I realized, how pity it will be if the boys visit there without knowing the amazing story and world in it.
I decided to introduce them the story…but, there where one problem. One of my boys were only 5 years old, and it was hard for him to read the book by himself. Then I found this wonderful thing called “audiobook”. Yes, I found that I can borrow CD format of the audiobook…Wonderful.
I started playing the CD as bedtime story.
The reaction of the boys were SUPERB.
The older who were 4th grader finished reading the whole series in a couple of weeks. To my surprise, even the younger I mentioned earlier, who was so eager to know what he missed when he fell asleep without knowing, and what will happen next in the story, he picked up those thick and bulky book and started reading

(Harry Potter the Complete Collection)

Totally hooked on Harry Potter

I originally planned to show them the movie after finishing all 7 books, but they couldn’t wait for that long, so I let them watch when we finished reading book 3, telling them we would only watch the ones we finished reading. They picked the corresponding books to compare with how it was in the movie after. The boys got totally hooked on Harry Potter, and we finished listening, reading and watching the whole series in less than a year.

(Harry Potter Blueray box set )

7 months later @ Universal Studios

I finally visited Universal Studios a year later. The boys were completely turned into Harry Potter geeks. I reluctantly bought them little expensive plastic sticks called “Interactive Wand” for almost $50 each. But these wands were amazing!

(Interactive Wands)

They were interactive model that triggers special effects hidden inside shop windows throughout Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley, the boys were hooked on these effects ore than anything…any rides.

(Playing with the effects using the Interactive Wand)

The wand shop, “the Olivanders”, the Platforms 9 3/4…the place was not only for the rides, but you can experience the wonderful world of Harry Potter and it makes you feel like you really jumped into the magical world! We enjoyed it so much that I even thought my husband’s fever a year ago was meant to be.

Of course we own a set of the series in books and in blue rays now. Thanks to the project, the boys still love the story. I’m sure it will continue to help them keep their English language skills for years to come.

(Only a part of our Harry Potter books and goods)

Thank you so much for reading!

For English translation, click here

母親として、なるべく楽しく学べるようにと、中学校に上がるまで、子供達の好きそうな本・映画・テレビ番組の下調べに結構な時間を費やしてきました。Amazon Primeの子供用番組チェック・公立図書館通いなどです。





(写真:ディズニークルーズ キャビンのデッキ)






(ハリー・ポッター 8-Film ブルーレイセット)




しかし、この杖が、すごかった!「Interactive Wand」と呼ばれるこの杖は、ワールドのそこここに設置された魔法の仕掛けを楽しむのに必要な、貴重なアイテムだったのです。乗り物よりも何よりも、この仕掛けにどハマりする我が子たち。感度の悪い杖があるので、それを何度も交換してもらいつつ、大満喫していました。


映画で見たままの杖の店「オリバンダー」。プラットホーム9 3/4など、ライドだけではなく、本当にハリーポッターの世界に飛び込んだような素晴らしいワールドでした。夫の発熱はラッキーな出来事だったんだ、とさえ思えたのでした。
